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I’m 22 years old so I just started actively training as a competitive bodybuilder but I’ve been in the gym my whole life. I’ve competed in the NPC California State Championships and placed fourth in the middleweight division in May of 2013. I trained myself without the use of a coach and was able to come in on stage at 160 lbs. Since starting training with Jeremy, I’ve gained over 35 total pounds and will likely come into my next competition (which is the governor’s cup) weighing about 15 pounds bigger and even more cut and dry. With the way everything is looking, Jeremy and I have high expectations for this competition and are aiming to get nationally qualified. Once I’m qualified for the nationals, I’ll take nearly a year to bulk back up and fix and problem areas and come in with a near perfect physique to win the nationals and get my pro card. My overall ambition is to win the Olympia. For me, I’ve chosen bodybuilding as a life long career and is something I will not fail at.