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Chocolate & Banana Protein Loaf
Courtesy of @middmag
2 (140g) Ripe Bananas…
2 Scoops (60g) Chocolate Flavour Whey Protein (80% Pure) I used Nutra Science Chocolate sold at WCN Roseville
170g Wholemeal Flour
Chopped Almonds or Walnuts (60g)
2 Egg Whites
10g Splenda
1 Tsp Cinnamon
2 Tsp Baking Powder
A Pinch salt
150ml water
Pre heat oven to 175 degrees and grease a bread tin.Using a silicone loaf tin is better. Sieve the whey, flour, baking powder, and Splenda into a large bow, with the cinnamon and salt. In a separate bowl mash the bananas and then add the egg whites and water. Combine this mixture into the dry ingredients and fold the mix. Lastly, add the chopped almonds. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and bake for approx 35-40 mins at 180 degrees Celsius.