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Each protein bar has an average of 245 calories, 164 fat, 20g protein, 2.5g sugar. The fat content can be reduced if you don’t add the nuts. Nuts are about 344 calories per 2 ounces, and 264 g of fat.
2 cups of rolled oat meal
5 table spoons of peanut butter or almond butter (if you keep your peanut butter in the refrigerator put 5 spoons on a small plate and heat it up in the microwave for 10-15 seconds to melt it down. It makes it easier to mix with the other ingredients)
6 scoops of protein powder (Profusion Chocolate Sold At Roseville Location WEST COAST NUTRITION
½ cup of water
1 to 2 ounces of mixed nuts (or any nuts you like) – or no nuts at all.
Extra water to add as you mix everything
Wax paper and a small tray
Mix oat meal, protein powder and nuts first. Then add the peanut butter and slowly add the water. It’s easier to mix with your hand instead of a spoon or spatula. All ingredients will turn into a very sticky mass. Keep mixing all ingredients until you see they’ve blended well. Leave it in the bowl and wash your hands, that way it’s much easier for the next step:
Cover a small tray with wax paper. Place the bar mix from the bowl into the tray, pressing it gently.
Now you can put the tray in the freezer for 40 minutes or in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
Once the cooling is done remove the tray and cut the mixture in 8 bars. Once the bars are cut you can add melted chocolate on top of it (optional). I use a Belgium 70% cacao sold at Raleys at the baking session). Put it back in the refrigerator for a few minutes until the chocolate is hard. Once the chocolate gets hard you can break the protein bars apart.