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These are AMAZING pumpkin chocolatechip cookies were inspired by the one and only one thing good baking! My recipe is a tad bit different but they are ever so lovely! Here’s the recipe y’all: combine 2 cups #almond flour 5 scoops of #whey protein (I used 3 scoops #vanilla Eat the Bear and 2 scoops cimmon bun of the Eat the Bear 1 small can of pure #pumpkin (15 oz) 2 tsp #pumpkin spice 1 tsp #nutmeg 1 tsp #cinnamon 1 tsp vanilla extract 2 oz egg pumpkin spice #egg whites and 1 oz of the chocolate flavored egg whites (or just 2 eggs) 1/8 cup #honey 1/4 cup Splenda mix it like you mean it and then drop onto a prepared cookie sheet. bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10-12 minutes (or until top is golden brown). Here’s the macro breakdown for an 18 #cookie batch: (per cookie) 130 cals 9g carbs 7g fat 10g protein 4g sugar